Breakfast is your most important meal of the day. what you eat in the morning sets the mood for your entire day.
When you start your day with a healthy nutrient breakfast you’ll make sure that you maximizes you energy levels and can perform at your highest level during the day.
That means making better decisions to stay on top and face off against whatever challenges lays ahead of you.
If you skip a healthy breakfast you will be deprived of that extra boost and will start to feel lethargic, screwed up blood sugar levels and dizzyness.
Eating healthy in the morning has many benefits such as increased concentation, managin cholesterol and even lower your chances of developing diabetes.
Here are 12 healthiest foods YOU should eat in morning:
1. Egg Starting off with one of the most popular and nutritional foods, eggs have been a popular breakfast choice since anyone can remember. Is it worth the hype? Definitely!
2. Unsweetened Plain Greek Yogurt Yogurt is a great starter for the day. When you think about it, the overwhelming amount of good bacteria is something that first comes to mind. But there’s more benefits than that. Adding yogurt to your breakfast is a good idea, especially for anyone looking to lose a couple of pounds.
3. Oatmeal Watching your weight? Looking for gluten free breakfast options? Oatmeal is the safest and most nutritious way to go. It has got to be one of the top foods for breakfast. A comforting bowl of oatmeal is a powerhouse of nutrients.
4. Nut Butter What can’t butter do? Nut butter is delicious, creamy and nutritious made from nuts like almonds, peanuts or walnuts. Filled with the goodness of heart healthy saturated fats and protein, tree nuts in general have been linked with weight loss and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
5. Chia seed one of the healthiest seeds in the world, loaded with antioxidiants, fibers, calcium and other crucial nutrients that protects the body from toxins. Add them to your cereal, smoothies, oatmeal or pudding.
6. Avocado The avocado is a unique fruit with multiple nutritional and health benefits. How would your body respond if you ate just one avocado a day? In fact, it would transform your life as you’d get amazing results: your breath will be fresh at all times, your kidneys and liver will work more efficiently, your blood pressure will become lower, just to name a few. There’s a miraculous mineral to be found in avocados: potassium. It helps your system keep a healthy fluid balance through chemical channels for cells and organs. Avocados are also a great source of vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is known for its involvement in the creation of collagen and elastin, which help to maintain the skin’s elasticity and firmness. Vitamin E takes it to a whole new level, reducing the damage of excessive sun exposure and counteracting aging.
7. banana The potassium contained in bananas protects your muscles from cramps, and the carbohydrates provide you with enough energy to endure a heavy workout. It’s hard to believe but the energy you get by eating two bananas is enough for a 90-minute workout!Bananas are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and natural sugar such as sucrose and fructose. On average, one banana contains around 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin B6. This helps your body produce insulin, hemoglobin, and amino acids that are needed for the creation of healthy cells.
8. Spinach It’s rich in iron, magnesium, vitamin K and C and folic acid, B2, B6. It supports the eyes preventing macular degeneration and good for inflammation. and if you eat it every day your forearms will begin to swollow up like a known cartoon sailor.(just kidding) some benefits are Improved Eyesight, Lowers Blood Pressure and Boosts Your Brain Health.
9. Berries In addition to being relatively low in calories, many types of berries contain a wide variety of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to help get you through your day. One very important vitamin that all berries contain is Vitamin C, which helps your body’s immune system and prevents diseases. Berries of all kinds are also an excellent source of fiber, which aids in your body’s digestion and may even help lessen the risk of certain diseases.
10. Sweet potato They are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Not to mention, they provide a number of health benefits and are easy to add to your diet. Dietitians say adding sweet potatoes into your meals frequently can improve your overall health. “Sweet potatoes have beta-carotene in them which is an antioxidant, and antioxidants help to reduce the free radicals in our body and reduce our chances of getting cancer and cardiovascular disease.
11. Black tea Drinking black tea reduces the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone, and helps normalize it. It’s rich in an amino acid called I-theanine that promotes relaxation. Those going through rough times mentally are advised to drink three or more cups of this tea a day for a speedy recovery from stress. It can Improve your bone health: As you age, the strength of your bones starts to decline. However, scientists have observed that people who drink black tea can significantly restore bone density. Some other health benefits include:
Prevents premature aging – Helps you lose weight – Boosts immune system Improves mental focus – Gives you a clean gentle energy boost -Helps lower symptoms of people with type 2 diabetes.
12. Wild salmon Salmon is an excellent healthy dinner option for our bodies and brains. It’s low in mercury and loaded with healthy fats. Wild Salmon is considered a “Super Food” because of the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. It is great for fighting cancer, increasing good cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.